Let them eat cake.

Cupcakes should have a food group devoted entirely to themselves.  I love cupcakes. Anything with sugar in it actually. Which is what makes this decision to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle AND to cut out bad foods like refined sugar AND to try and eat more locally grown (and organic, when available) produce just that much more interesting. If I could live off cake and candy, I  would. Oh, and pasta.

Truth be told I am a sugar junkie. Gummy bears, chocolate, sour candy, you name it. I love candy. I love sugar. My husband has caught me on more than one occasion eating brown sugar right out of the bag, In my defense this is usually while baking, and I have learned that more than 3 teaspoons makes you feel really sick.

The main part of my little project is to convert over to the vegetarian side of life. Without starving, wanting to eat a whole cow, or living off carrot sticks, pasta and salad. The beef and pork won’t be an issue, I’m not much of a red meat fan anyhow, but chicken…..it’s just so convenient. And yummy.

I am a huge fan of animals. I love animals, my husband is forever having to tell me to stop asking for more. We currently have 3 cats and 1 dog, and if we had the room to bring more in I would. 2 of the cats are rescue cats, and the dog is as well. I love animals, but prefer them living in their fields, rolling in the mud and looking cute rather than being on my plate. Don’t get me wrong, they are tasty but at the same time so cute. There is a small cow farm by my mom’s house and there is a baby calf that’s probably a few months old. He is all white and I just want to bring him home to live with me, as a pet. I would much rather have him living in my backyard than on my plate.

A girlfriend of mine recently adopted a vegan diet after reading The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone (yes, the actress) and reccomended I read it too. I love to read, so I went and picked it up and by the time I had finished I thought that while I couldn’t commit to vegan (no dairy, fish or eggs) I could try vegetarian.

So, the decision to switch to a vegetarian lifestyle was made and at the same time I figured I may as well give it my all and try to cut down on crap like candy. And cake.

Today was day 1. So far, not too bad. Oatmeal for breakfast, a pesto pasta veggie dish for lunch (home made!) and fish and moroccan cous cous for dinner, with a few healthy snacks during the day.

Hopefully tomorrow will be just as good, if not better.

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