My Community Farm Store

I have to admit, that up until I started this transition of the way I eat, I had only ventured into my local organic market once or twice, ususally while browsing in the second hand bookstore that is across the hall from it. I had ordered coffee from thier coffee bar before, and have had the odd veggie roll with it (amazingly good) but had never really gone back into the store part to take a good look around. There are a few reasons for this. First of all, I was really intimidated by it. It’s a scary thought, going into a store that is so focused on a way of life that you want to have, but at the same time know very little about. Second, I thought it would be outrageously expensive because I have heard that organic stuff costs you an arm and a leg. Also, I really didn’t know exactly what I was looking for.

Last week I decided to brave the store on my own. Normally I take my husband grocery shopping, but I decided this time I needed to go on my own. Why it was causing me this much anxiety, I have no idea. It was only grocery shopping!! I went in, grabbed a basket and started looking around. Having no idea what it was I wanted, I felt kind of lost. I thought ‘this sucks’ and was about to leave, when one of the staff asked if they could help me find something. I told them that I didn’t really know what I was looking for, but that I was trying to cut meat out of my diet. She told me to wait for one minute while she went to get someone who could help me and came back with…..the store nutritionist! (I know. The store has it’s own nutritional specialist!!)

She was fantastic!! She explained the difference between a lot of the things I would be now eating, explained that if you mix beans and rice in the same meal it will create the enzyme found naturally in meat, reccomended a few things to try, she completely put me at ease. After speaking with her for only a few minutes, I totally felt that I could do this!

I left with a few basic things, and some new things to try (orange chipotle mustard) and she told me that if I came back the following day she would lend me a book on switching to a vegetarian diet.

I now make the store a manditory stop on my weekend shopping trips. I try and get something new to try each week (this week, smoked tofu and pinto beans) and look forward to visiting it every week. I make it the last stop on my way home from shopping so that I can take my time, look around and check out the things that I would have never, ever thought of buying before.

I ended up using the pinto beans last night in a roasted squash and bean enchilada…..recipe to follow!

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