Easy French Bread Pizza

This is one of the easiest dinners I know to make….and so tasty too!! I like to add a fresh green salad or a bowl of soup on a rainy day, but sometimes I am lazy and just have the pizza.

What you Need:

1 loaf of french bread (the bigger kind, not a baguette)

Tomato sauce (or paste, whichever you prefer. I like tomato paste as it is thicker.)

Basil, oregano, or any other spice you like to put on your pizza. I like Epicure’s pizza seasoning too.

A nice selection of pizza toppings. I ususally like roasted red peppers, sundried tomatoes, roasted asparagus, zucchini and onions, green peppers (not roasted) mushrooms, I have yet to try the veggie pepperoni, but have heard it’s not too bad. This is good for carnies too, my husband prefers his half to have pepperoni, bacon, ham and green pepper. Also the odd sundried tomato.

Cheese (either regular or soy)

What you Do:

Preheat your oven to 350.

Cut the french bread in half longwise. I like to toast mine in the oven before I put all the sauce and toppings on, it usually takes about 10 minutes. If you are doing this you will need to watch it carefully, as once it starts to turn that yummy golden brown color, it doesn’t take long to burn. Also it helps to put the bread on cookie sheets. You don’t have to do this, but it just gives it a bit more flavor and crunch.

Once the toasted bread comes out of the oven, spread the tomato sauce or paste evenly over the 2 halves of bread. Top with basil, oregano, salt, pepper, and whatever tasty spices you have decided to add. (make sure you add the spices before you add the toppings….I have done this backwards  a few times and it’s not nearly as tasty)

Add your toppings and load up with the cheese.

Put the 2 halves of bread on a cookie sheet (you may need two sheets) and bake for about 20 – 25 minutes, until the cheese is all melty.

When you take it out of the oven, let it sit for about 5 minutes before cutting it into slices. This lets the cheese firm up a bit so you don’t end up with a mouthful of only toppings, and a handful of soggy bread.

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