Secret Supper Club

This year was my year for amazing and thoughtful Christmas gifts. My husband got me a mug with our puppy’s picture on it. My brother got me a book that I had been dying to read, and some munchies to go with it. My parents got me a signed Ann Rule book, and some really nice and comfy gym clothes that I have been wearing more around the house than at the gym.

My sister and her boyfriend got me an adventure. No, really. They got me a trip to Vancouver and dinner at Vancouver’s Secret Supper Club. Also they are putting me up in thier condo in Steveston.

I am supposed to be going over this weekend. From what I understand about this meal, you don’t know where you are going until just before you need to be there. I think they give you about 2 days notice. Also, you are sworn to secrecy because it’s not a restaurant you are going to, but someone’s house. You bring your own booze (yay!) and a chef will cook you dinner, you meet other people, and everyone has a great time. You eat dinner, drink your wine and then slosh your way home. How can that not be fun?

I am super excited for this. They have picked a vegetarian one to go to, and it will be myself going, along with my sister and a friend of hers.

I’ve done some research into this, and apparently these Secret Supper Clubs or Underground Restaurants are the newest foodie trend. I recently saw an episode of Jamie Oliver’s ‘Jamie’s American Roadtrip’ where he went to a few of these in New York, and then hosted his own. I thought it was such a neat idea, and wondered why there were none close to where I live. Turns out, there are! (PS – Check out Jamie’s website There are all sorts of neat video clips, recipies and ideas to try)

Back to dinner on the mainland. I’m supposed to be heading over on Saturday. I have no idea what to expect, other than to have a great time!