And Baby Makes Three!

It has already been one month since we brought our baby home from the hospital. After 3 days in the hospital my first thought was ‘Yay! We are home! No nurses or doctors….I am a mom!!’ This was immediately followed by ‘Oh crap. We are home. No nurses or doctors. How are we going to do this?’
I will admit, it has been a struggle. Between feeding and sleeping (or not sleeping) and diapers and carseats, it’s a lot to take in. And everyone has an opinon or advice to share.
One problem we ran into was the baby having a very upset tummy. After a few visits to the doctor he suggested that this might be caused by something I am eating and passing on to her. He has suggested restricting certain things in my diet that night be causing her tummy pain. I told the doctor I was vegetarian, he said that was fine but suggested in addition to meat I also emilinate dairy, chocolate, garlic, onions, coffee and tea. The coffee, tea and chocolate will be the hardest to give up, but if it will make it easier for the baby I will do it. This is also in addition to a low fat diet due to gallstones.
I decided to order a new cookbook from Amazon to give myself something to look forward to and keep me busy during the no fun food period.  I found one called Oh She Glows, written by a lady who writes a vegan food blog (
I am so excited for this book to come. It looks amazing! Once it comes I plan on trying a few recipies and doing my first real cookbook review. It is supposed to be here early next week, I am hoping I can pursuade my hubby to keep an eye on baby so I can make us a few tasty treats!

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