Oh She Glows – The Pre Review

It’s here!! The package on my front step this morning made my day. I was on my way to my mom’s house so I grabbed the box and took it with me, tearing into ot the moment I got through thevdoor. Some girls love shoes, others clothes or jewellery. Not me. I love cookbooks. Well, all books really.
Anyhow, I tore open the box and there it was.

Oh She Glows


Due to being busy with a 5 week old I didn’t have much time to look it over but from what I managed to see, this looks like a cookbook I could sit and read likea novel. It has a little ‘about this book’ section, great pictures, and ingredients that I can find at my grocery store. I live in a small city and it drives me nuts when I see a fantastic recipe that calls for some obscure item that I have to drive to the big city (45 minutes away) to find.

I am hoping to pawn off the baby to my hisband and chef up some yummy eats from the book. I am also going to get my meat eating husband to give me his opinion on them. He’s pretty good about trying my meatless concoctions, so this shouldn’t be any different. There has only been a few times shere he’s asked ‘where’s the meat??’ Hopefully, these will not be one of those times

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